Saturday, January 14, 2012


Burying Strangers was a project I started in order to document my day-job for one year (2011). Like many emerging Artists, I've had to spend a massive chunk of my time doing things other than making Art in order to keep up with rent and bills. Over the past 15 years, I've spent more time working at cemeteries than anywhere else. Having grown extremely tired by age 31, and foreseeing that I would definitely need to keep a day-job for at least one more year, I figured out that the only way that I was going to keep my sanity is if I somehow made my job into Art (since I couldn't yet make Art my job). This blog is the online record of that project. I will be publishing a physical record sometime early this year (2012) in the form of a limited edition book/zine.

One year in the day-job, un-art-related life of a broke emerging visual Artist. Enjoy (or don't. I really don't care either way. The important thing is that I'm still alive, fuckers).

Bryan Schnelle
Los Angeles, January 2012